Rethinking Universities for Development: Intermediaries, Innovation and Inclusion

Web version


Rethinking Universities: Front Cover
Innovation, Inclusion & Development: Introductory Session                                                                          
Developmental Role of Universities in India

Contextualizing the Developmental University in India
C Shambu Prasad, XIMB , Joseph Satish V, KICS & KVG Krishnamurthy
Rethinking the University of Teaching and Research: Challenges Now and in the Future
                Dhruv Raina & Prakrati Bhargava, JNU  
Knowledge Gaps in Organic Agriculture: A preliminary study on Agricultural Universities
Changing State Agricultural Policies and Organic Farming Practices in India
                Joseph Thomas, CCSIE & O B Ramasubramanian, Samanvaya
Whither Socially Inclusive Innovations of the Seventies?
Looking back at the Graduate Volunteer Scheme of University of Mumbai.
                John D’Souza, Centre for Education and Documentation (CED)  

Role of Intermediaries in Educational Innovations in Inclusive Development                                           65

Reflexive and Relational, Empathetic and Engaged:  A Case For ‘Social Transformative Learning’ In  India               
                A R Vasavi, Independent Researcher
Adivasi Academy: Acknowledging Adivasi Knowledge    
                Rajni Bakshi, Gateway House & CED 
Rethinking Nai Talim: What Roles Can Universities Play?               
                Sujit Sinha, Azim Premji University (APU)
Universities & Intermediaries in Inclusive Innovation & Development:
The Case of AUD-PRADAN’s M.Phil in Development Practice
                Anup Dhar, Ambedkar University Delhi (AUD) 

Higher Educational Institutes & Vocational Education in India   

Rethinking Vocational Education : The Case of the School of Vocational Education at TISS
                K S Gopal, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS)
The Status of ITIs in India: A case study in Kashmir           
                Fozia S. Qazi, IUST
Visioning a Developmental University
Experiments and Challenges in Sikkim - Valedictory Address

Mahendra Lama, Founder Vice Chancellor, Sikkim Central University 

Workshop Plan
List of Participants

Title & copyright pages of book
